Michelle Gray
Fellow, CRI
Dr. Michelle Gray’s group studies freshwater streams and rivers using fish and benthic invertebrates as indicators of environmental and water quality “health”. She has been involved with the development and refinement of guidelines for the federal Environmental Effects Monitoring (EEM) program and for aquatic monitoring in Northern Canada. She has designed and conducted aquatic monitoring programs related to diamond and gold mines, pulp mills, agriculture, and shale gas development. Dr. Gray teaches on environmental management tools, impact assessment, and practical online and field skills training such as the Canadian Biomonitoring Network (CABIN), electrofishing, and water quality data analysis. Dr. Gray’s current research interests continue to look at novel and integrated tools to assess aquatic environmental health, and the utility of small-bodied fish species in monitoring by investigating their basic life history characteristics.
Science Director, Canadian Rivers Institute
Assistant Professor, Forestry and Environmental Management, University of New Brunswick
BSc (Trent University)
MSc (Trent University)
PhD (University of New Brunswick)