Defining and assessing cumulative impacts in Canadian watersheds

December 15, 2016

For decades Canadian legislation has been ineffective in assessing the past and current impacts to aquatic ecosystems from industries, municipalities and agriculture, much less the effects of pressures of additional development projects.  CRI scientists are leading research in monitoring frameworks and methodologies for assessing cumulative effects and impacts to Canadian watersheds. CRI research focuses specifically on the sediment and nutrient inputs into the Northumberland Straight (PEI); contaminants in Saint John Harbour (NB); urban growth in the Grand River watershed (ON); and agricultural impacts in Tobacco Creek (MB). This research enables land and water managers to have more accurate understanding of specific project impacts, how they relate to other changes undergoing in the watershed, and to define project management and mitigation plans that more effectively protect the full range of watershed values.

Dr. Michael van den Heuvel, Institute Director, Canadian Rivers Institute and Professor in the departments of Biology and Biomedical Sciences, University of Prince Edward Island

Dr. Simon Courtenay, Science Director, Canadian Rivers Institute, Scientific Director of the Canadian Water Network National Centre of Excellence and Professor, School of Environment, Resources and Sustainability, University of Waterloo
