The Miramichi Salmon Association offers a major scholarship for salmon research in honour of its long time former President, Jack Fenety of Fredericton. The “Jack T. H. Fenety Conservation Scholarship” is made available each year to a selected graduate student attending a university who is conducting meaningful research about wild Atlantic salmon and/or its habitat which will have relevance for the Miramichi watershed. 2016 is the fourteenth year this scholarship has been offered, and we are pleased to announce that Mr. Antóin O’Sullivan, PhD candidate at the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB is the recipient of this award. Antóin is supervised by CRI Science Director Dr. Allen Curry.
Mr. O’Sullivan’s work is entitled Predicting the Occurrence of Cold Water Refugia as a Function of Landscape Variables in the Miramichi Watershed.
“We are pleased to present this award to such a deserving student in the person of Antóin O’Sullivan”, said MSA President Mark Hambrook. “The Jack T. H. Fenety Scholarship is something we are very proud of. It was established to honour Mr. Fenety’s legendary contribution to the protection and enhancement of Atlantic salmon stocks. His stewardship of the Miramichi River has paralleled the survival of that watershed as one of the most productive sources of salmon stocks in the world. It is only fitting that we offer this scholarship to Mr. O’Sullivan for this very important work.”
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