The signs of climate change are unmistakable; dramatic changes have affected our economy, our society and our environment. Anticipating these changes will be critical towards formulating an effective response. In this timely workshop we explore the fate of Atlantic Salmon under a changing climate, employing the most up-to-date climate, and hydrological models
WHEN March 31st 2016, 9:00am
WHERE Wu Centre, UNB 6 Duffie Drive, Fredericton, NB
Workshop overview
PART I: Our team of researchers will review their results, shedding light upon the atmospheric conditions expected in New Brunswick under a changing climate, and the likely impact this will have upon the Miramichi River.
PART II: Research results from the first part of the workshop will be used to examine changes to salmon habitat, and the vulnerability of salmon populations. Based upon these deliberations, a vulnerability model will be developed.
Who should attend?
PART I: The first half (9:00am-12:00pm) of this workshop is open to anyone with a keen interest in the future of Atlantic Salmon in New Brunswick; you will hear from leading climate, hydrological, and biological experts and have an opportunity to discuss their results.
PART II: The second half (1:00pm to 3:30pm) of the workshop is intended for practitioners and researchers with expertise in Atlantic Salmon habitat and phenology. We seek your input in developing a vulnerability model.
Dr. A. St-Hilaire INRS
Dr. D. Caissie DFO
Dr. P. Gachon UQAM
Dr. J. MacLellan NBCCRC
Dr. A. Curry CRI UNB
For more information, or to reserve a spot in the second half of the workshop, plse contact Kim Reeder: (506) 467-1927