Webinar: health assessments for the St John-St.Croix and Maritime Coastal Watersheds

Since 2013, WWF-Canada has been working to complete a national assessment of the health of and threats to the country’s 25 major watersheds.  We are currently in the process of completing assessments for the Saint John-St. Croix watershed as well as the Maritime Coastal watershed (see map for reference).

You are invited to participate in a webinar where WWF-Canada will be presenting the preliminary results for the Saint John-St. Croix and Maritime Coastal watersheds.  These preliminary results build on earlier versions of the Saint John-St. Croix and Maritime Coastal watershed assessments by including previously unassessed territory within these two watersheds and by incorporating new data.

Before launching these updated results on our website later this year, we want to give you the opportunity to view the preliminary results, ask questions, and/or provide feedback.  The presentation will be delivered in English, however, presenters will be able to respond to French queries should there be any.

To add this webinar to your calendar, please open the attached meeting invitation.

Call in details are below:

Monday, February 1, 2016
2:00 pm  |  Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00)  |  1 hr

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708 795 196
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