The Student Leadership Committee (SLC) is composed of one student representative per Canadian Rivers Institute (CRI) partner institution, elected each September from among the CRI students at each campus or institution.
Each SLC member will serve a one-year term (renewable, no term limits).
Outgoing SLC members are responsible for coordinating the election of new SLC members (either in person or via an electronic poll) and for forwarding the names to the CRI Executive Director.
If for any reason an SLC member cannot attend an SLC meeting or function, the SLC member must appoint another student at his or her home institution at least one week prior to the meeting or event to act in his or her place. The Acting SLC member will preside for the duration of the meeting or event and make a full report back to the SLC member within one week.
Responsibilities and duties of each SLC member are coordinated at the SLC level by the establishment of internal positions (sub-committees) as necessary to keep SLC activities running smoothly.
Attend meetings, activities, and events organized by the SLC.
Assist with planning and organizing SLC events.
Communicate the preferences and interests of the labs/campuses they represent to the SLC.
Communicate the plans and activities of the SLC to the home labs/campus.
Term: One year (renewable, no term limits).
Attainment: Elected by CRI students or lab members at each campus either in person or via an electronic poll in September of each year.
A student Chair of the SLC will be elected by and from the membership of the SLC for a one year (renewable) term commencing in September of each year.
The SLC cannot have more than one member from any individual campus unless one of them is serving as Chair.
A delegate from the same campus as the Chair should be selected by run-off election if necessary to ensure equal representation on the SLC.
The Chair only votes in the event of a tie.
The terms for the Chair and Chair-elect should overlap for one to three months (depending on the availability of the out-going Chair) to provide an effective transition of leadership.
If for any reason the Chair cannot attend an SLC meeting or function, the Chair must appoint another member of the SLC at least one week prior to the meeting or event to act in his or her place. The Acting Chair will preside for the duration of the meeting or event and make a full report back to the Chair within one week.
Preside over the meetings and activities of the SLC.
Assist with planning and organizing SLC events.
Delegate responsibilities for activities and events to SLC members and other CRI students.
Manage any SLC relevant costs and budget items with assistance from the Science Directors on the SLC and the CRI Executive Director.
Participate in Science Director meetings and facilitate communication between the Science Directors and the SLC.
Term: One year (renewable, no term limits).
Attainment: Elected by the SLC members via an electronic poll by September 30 of each year.
Eligibility: Previous SLC experience is desirable, but not necessary.
Each campus will conduct elections for SLC members in September of each year.
SLC members are responsible for coordinating the election of new SLC members (either in person or via an electronic poll) and forwarding the names to the CRI Executive Director and the current SLC Chair. The outgoing Chair will facilitate the election of the new Chair. Following the election of the Chair, a replacement delegate from the same campus will be selected either by the new Chair from their home campus or institution or a run-off election.
Once all members of the SLC have been elected for a particular year, they can begin their terms. The out-going Chair will remain on the SLC for one to three months (depending on availability) to facilitate the leadership transition.
Plan the annual CRI Student Retreat.
Coordinate student involvement in CRI Days.
Coordinate student interaction with the Hynes Lecturer.
Facilitate communication between CRI Science Directors and CRI Students.
Facilitate communication among CRI students across the CRI network.
Participate in CRI Science Director meetings via the SLC - Chair.
Prepare and maintain a CRI student guidebook.
Initiate and facilitate a peer mentorship program.
Organize a welcome/orientation session for new CRI students.